Keeping Lawns In Shape During Cooler Months


Maintaining a healthy lawn requires year-round work. You can't neglect lawn maintenance just because it's winter. While most lawns do, in fact, require less maintenance during the cooler months of the year, turning a blind eye to your lawn during the winter can lead to numerous problems. To keep your lawn in tip-top shape during the winter, consider the following maintenance tips.

Mow Once Every 3 to 4 Weeks
Mowing your lawn will help keep it in tip-top shape during the winter. Florida doesn't experience severely cold winters, so it's perfectly fine to mow your lawn during this time of year if you live in the Sunshine State.

You don't need to mow your lawn weekly, though. While a weekly mowing is fine for the summer, it's unnecessary for the winter. Instead, mow your lawn about once every three to four 4 weeks during the winter.

Rake Leaves Fallen leaves are common during the winter, as well as the fall preceding fall months. Assuming there are trees nearby, they'll inevitably shed their leaves. Allowing fallen leaves to scatter across your lawn will restrict sunlight while encouraging the growth of mold and fungus. Raking the leaves, however, will protect your lawn. At least once every few weeks, rake and bag the leaves so that they don't degrade your lawn's health.

Avoid Overwatering
You should use caution when watering your lawn during the winter. Many homeowners make the mistake of watering their lawns more frequently during the winter. They assume that grass requires more water to grow in cold temperatures, so they run their sprinklers for a longer period. In reality, the opposite is true: grass requires less water in cold temperatures.

Grass, as well as other plants, retain more of their water in cold temperatures. When it's hot outside, water will evaporate out of grass and into the air. Cold temperatures minimize water evaporation. During the winter, your lawn will retain more water, meaning you won't need to water it as often.

Consider Overseeding
For a fuller and more complete lawn during the winter, you should consider overseeding it. Lawns can develop bare patches when it's cold outside. Maybe it's not getting enough sunlight in a particular area, or perhaps the grass is just dead in a particular area. Regardless, overseeding will promote a fuller lawn by eliminating bare patches. Overseeding simply means spreading new grass seed over an already-seeded lawn.

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