An Introduction to Gabions and How They Work in Landscapes

Landscapes can consist of more than just plants and trees; they can include hardscape elements as well. One such hardscape element that's commonly used in commercial landscape is a gabion. Gabions can enhance the aesthetics of a commercial landscape while simultaneously protecting it from erosion. So, what are gabions and how do they work?
What Is a Gabion?
A gabion is a type of retaining wall consisting of stone- or rock-filled frames. The word "gabion" comes from the Italian word for "cage." While there are different types of gabions, they all feature a cage-like design. Gabions feature a metal cage that houses stones or rocks. They are used to create retaining walls by offering a hard and stable structure.
How Gabions Work
Gabions work like most other types of retaining walls by offering a stable structure that holds the soil behind it in place. If one area of your commercial landscape is significantly higher than an adjacent area, you may want to use gabions. Placing gabions between the low-level and high-level areas will retain the soil. The soil from the high-level area will press against the gabions rather than eroding.
Like all hardscape elements, gabions don't consist of any plants or trees. They simply cage-like frames that are filled with stones or rocks. The frame serves as the main structure. It's filled with stones or rocks, after which it's tied off or otherwise closed. The gabion can then be used as a retaining wall in a landscape.
Benefits of Using Gabions in Your Commercial Landscape
Gabions can protect your commercial landscape from erosion. Erosion is a concern for many businesses and property owners. As rainwater runs across your commercial landscape, it will wash away some of the topsoil. Over time, erosion such as this can destroy the plants in your commercial landscape while potentially creating uneven terrain.
Fortunately, gabions can protect your commercial landscape from erosion. They are retaining walls that prevent the soil on high-level areas from washing away to lower-level areas. You should still ensure that your commercial landscape has proper drainage. With gabions, though, your commercial landscape will be better protected against erosion.
Another benefit of using gabions is a more attractive commercial landscape. Rocks and stones are commonly used in commercial landscapes for aesthetic purposes. They offer a timeless design that looks amazing. With gabions, you can incorporate rocks or stocks in your commercial landscape.
This article was brought to you by Palmetto Coastal. For more articles, tips and news for your commercial landscaping and maintenance needs, please visit us at our website.
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